The Wave Pipe
Our Wave Pipe is hand-carved from natural cherry wood; it mimics a wave shape with softly rounded edges and a dramatically curved silhouette. By utilizing only natural elements in its design, we have allowed for a more organic smoking experience.
The wood has been finely sanded and finished with a natural oil to create a silky-smooth surface to the touch. The pipe contains a hollow chamber as well as a mouthpiece and carb hole to clear the smoke, giving you an even, smooth pull every time.
With its simple silhouette and organic shape, this piece is the perfect coffee table accessory for the design-minded individual.
Each pipe purchase comes with complimentary matches and a Clean Kit, which includes a reusable doob tube and 3 pipe cleaners
Approximate Dimensions: 1(3/4)” x 1” x 4
Handmade in New York.